I was thinking today about how many issues there in the world right now and it seems that each issue has its own group of people advocating for its improvement. Indigenous rights, Black Lives Matter, Save the Whales...what if all of these groups came together for one common purpose- improving human life. Let me be clear, I am in no way referring to money or GDP here. I am talking about human happiness, fulfilment, sense of purpose and joy. If we were all to focus on being our most authentic selves, it is amazing the things we could accomplish. If we all stopped focusing on money- making and spending, then we would have time to live fully. This idea of 'making a living' is a relatively new one. Why does our culture insist on 'having jobs'? It has been shown in indigenous cultures that they would spend 15 hours a week to acquire what they needed to survive and the rest of their time would be spent in leisure. Consumption of natural resources would decrease. Energy production could be greener because there wouldn't be this idea of increasing the GDP and making money off of production. Animals could be saved because we wouldn't be destroying their habitats. Racism and inequality might become a thing of the past.
What cause might be strong enough to bring enough to bring us all together? As Naomi Klein suggests, perhaps Global Warming is the one. If we don't all start doing something to mitigate green house gases, there will be no people to fight for.
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