Sunday, February 21, 2021

Love Letter to the Earth

Breathing in, I calm my body.

Breathing out , my body is at peace.

Breathing in, I take refuge in Mother Earth.

Breathing out, I release all my suffering to the Earth.

Thich Nhat Hahn, Love letter to the Earth 

As a species, we need to fall in love with the Earth.  We only save those things which we love.  Currently, we see the Earth as a resource to exploit, only there for us to do what we want with it.  We have hurt the Earth.  In places, we have devastated it.  And why?  Only to fulfill our own greed and need for power.  If our species is to survive, we need to shift our thinking and our beliefs.  We need to recognize that we are of the Earth, as she is of us.  We need a radical shift in our way of being with the world.  We need to choose love.

"We allow political boundaries to obscure our interconnectedness.  What we often refer to as patriotism is actually a barrier that prevents us from seeing that we are all children of the same mother.  Every country calls its nation a motherland or a fatherland.  Every country tries to show how it loves its mother.  But in doing so, each country is contributing to the destruction of our larger mother, our collective mother, the Earth. In focusing on our human made boundaries, we forget that we are co-responsible for the whole planet."

Thich Nhat Hahn, Love letter to the Earth

In tradition indigenous cultures, it is believed that no one owns the land.  Humans walk on the land with respect and generosity.  For everything that is taken from the land, something is given in return.  When plants are harvested, an indigenous person would only remove a small portion of the available plants in order to leave enough plants to regenerate for future harvests.  Indigenous peoples lived in reciprocity with the land.  Western cultures create borders and boundaries and claim the land as our possession.  This leads to violence and scarcity as we feel that what's on our land is ours and if you are not privileged enough to have food on your land, then you fight to take it from someone else's land.  As we head into climate change, the land you live on and call your own, may no longer be able to produce food which means humans beings will be shifting and migrating to areas where food production is possible.  Because people will defend that land as their own, this will lead to violence and struggle for power.  We are all one species.  We are one people.  We are the same.  What we do to one person, we do to all.  There is no us and them. 

"Humanity needs a kind of spirituality that we can all practice together.  Dogmatism and fanaticism have been the cause of great separation and war.  Misunderstanding and irreverence have been the cause of enormous injustice and destruction.  In the twenty-first century is should be possible for us to come together and offer ourselves the kind of religion that can help unite all peoples and all nations and remove all separation and discrimination.  If existing religions and philosophies, as well as science, can make an effort to go in this direction, it will be possible to establish a cosmic religion based not on myth, belief or dogma, but on evidence and in the insight of interbeing.  And that would be a giant leap for humankind. "

Thich Nhat Hahn, Love letter to the Earth


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