Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I am currently reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and I came across these paragraphs which really spoke to me.  Kimmerer is a professor of Botany and she took a survey of her Environmental studies students.

Later in the survey, they were asked to rate their knowledge of positive interactions between people and land.  The median response was 'none.' 
How is it possible that in twenty years of education they cannot think of any beneficial relationships between people and the environment?  Perhaps the negative examples they see every day- brownfields, factory farms, suburban sprawl- truncated their ability to see some good between humans and the earth...when we talked about this after class, I realized that they could not even imagine what beneficial relations between their species and others might look like.  How can we begin to move toward ecological and cultural sustainability if we cannot even imagine what the path feels like?  

We are a people of stories.  We need those stories to guide is in who we are.  For a very long time, the human story has been one of dominance over nature.  It has been a story of our species using the planet to our own end.  We are separate.  Our beliefs have taken us out of nature and put us above it; we are more important.  Our stories tell us that the planet is there to provide for us, indefinitely.  We are taught that we are resourceful and intelligent, and that science and ingenuity will always find a way for survival.  Our stories are lies, or at the very least, incomplete.

What we need now are stories that reflect the true nature of life on Earth.  Resources are finite.  There is a limit to what we can take.  There is a limit to how much of our waste the planet can absorb.  There is a limit to what we can engineer and manipulate.  There are fundamental basics that are required for life on earth and we are playing with and destroying these at an alarming rate.  Clean water, fertile soil, breathable air, thriving oceans and an atmosphere that is conducive to human life.  Without these, our species does not survive.  Our stories do not tell us this.  Our stories do not include lessons of how to sustain and nurture these fundamentals for life.

We need new stories.

If our students can not even imagine a world where we have a positive impact on the planet, how can we hope to survive on the planet?  Are we destined to be a plague on the earth?  Right now, we are parasites sucking the life out of the very planet we rely on for survival.  How do we change our relationship from parasitic to symbiotic?  How do we heal our relationship with the planet?

We change our story.  We have to.  We no longer have a choice.

But how do we change it and what do we change it to? 

Spring Equinox

Today I created a ritual for myself for the first time.  Being the spring equinox, and a time of rebirth and growth, I decided to release those thing to which I was holding on that no longer served me.  Following the guidance of people in my life, I wrote down those things which keep coming up for me.  I see them in dreams.  They cross through my thoughts and occupy my brain.  They bring up old emotions and make me revisit, relive the trauma over and over.  Today I wrote them all down.  I went out into the sunny, cold day and started a very small fire in a metal dish.  I began by burning some sage and inviting the ancestors.  I asked them to support me in releasing that which no longer serves me.  I asked them to cleanse my spirit so that I may grow and realize the person I am.  After the fire produced flame (I can't say it really 'got started' but there was enough to burn the pieces of paper I had written on), I burned the thoughts and events, one by one, reflecting on each before putting it into the flame.  I looked for lessons learned and perspective provided.  I looked for the medicine in each situation.  I held the medicine and released the pain, trauma and emotion attached to each one.  The final thing I released were all the emotions that are holding me back- self hate, control, fear.  I then relit the sage and thanked the ancestors for their assistance, and cleared myself of all that I had been holding.  Aho.